In 2025, Adrian Steel Company will offer the Upfit Rewards Program to select dealers. Dealers will be rewarded 4% of Adrian Steel material and labor.

Participation is open to Dealerships that have been enrolled in the program. If you cannot find your dealership, please submit it as a new dealer.

Participants may enroll online at

Enrollment may be suspended at any time.

Earnings are not retroactive. A participant may only earn rewards for vehicles upfitted or sold within the last 90 days.

Rewards Payouts: All rewards will be paid out at 4% of the Adrian Steel material and labor total. All payouts will be issued on the participants’ Adrian Steel Upfit Rewards Prepaid Card. The same card will be loaded so please keep your card.

Card transaction statements and current balances are available through the program website, the program toll free number, or the number on the back of the Rewards card.

Claims will be accepted as follows:

  1. Claims will be paid at 4% of Adrian Steel material and labor.
  2. Invoices can be billed to dealers OR end users, Invoices billed to lease management companies do not qualify for Upfit Rewards.
  3. The product has to be installed by an Authorized Adrian Steel Distributor to be eligible for the Upfit Rewards Program. To find a local distributor go to
  4. Participant must fill out the online claim form at
  5. Participant must attach distributor invoice while filing the claim. If you do not attached directly in the claim, please email to
  6. Claims must be received within ninety (90) days of the distributor invoice OR vehicle sale date. Buyers order will be requested if the invoice is older than ninety (90) days.
  7. Invoices must contain the Distributor’s business information, product, quantity, price, VIN, date and invoice number, as well as the customer’s/dealers information.
  8. Invoiced price must be within 10% of Adrian Steel’s suggested retail price and labor times.

If you change dealerships please notify Program Headquarters.

Please make sure your contact information is always up to date.

Upfit Rewards Headquarters reserves the right to disqualify participants from Upfit Rewards as well as revoke any rewards issued.

For program support, contact us:

Via Website:
Toll Free: 1-877-ADRIAN8
Card Question: 888-794-3828